Outside Fukushima reactor containment vessel deadly 9.4 sieverts detected

Our cultural faith in rationalism and progress lead us to believe that problems can be solved. The disaster at Fukushima  cannot be solved. How many disasters do we need before we decide enough is enough?

Deadly 9.4 sieverts detected outside Fukushima reactor 2 containment vessel; checks stop  http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/10/30/national/deadly-9-4-sieverts-detected-outside-fukushima-reactor-2-containment-vessel-checks-stop/#.VjPyu9IrLGj Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday that radiation levels of up to 9.4 sieverts per hour have been detected outside a reactor containment vessel at the meltdown-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. People exposed to the maximum radiation dose for some 45 […]


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