Nuclear reactors and childhood leukemia: the risk exists.

This reports to be a mega study of all the studies looking at the incidence of childhood leukemia within 5 km around nuclear power plants. This study reports that there is a 37% increase. Report goes on to stay that there is great denial about the dangers of radiation in the United States, Much like the denial about the dangers of cigarette smoking


Part of the Sellafield nuclear complex in the U.K. Photo from Greenpeace UK. Part of the massive Sellafield nuclear complex in the U.K. Photo from Greenpeace UK.

The issue of whether children living near nuclear reactors are more susceptible to childhood leukemia has long been a controversial issue, especially in Europe, where numerous studies have found significantly increased risk for leukemia among children living near reactors.

In 1990, a particularly noted report (the Gardner report) found the risk of leukemia among children near the U.K.’s Sellafield facility to be seven times higher than for children living away from nuclear facilities.

Here in the U.S., the controversy has been far less conspicuous, despite a few similar studies around selected reactors, perhaps because the nuclear industry has been more successful at quashing such studies as soon as they appear. 

This week in the U.K., a new study conducted through the auspices of Newcastle University purports to show that there is no increased risk of leukemia…

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