Tag Archives: Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster

Helen Caldicott on Fukushima

I have generally avoided videos on this blog, but i came across this Youtube piece by Helen Caldicott:

She summarizes the current nuclear disasters in Fukushima.  Adult discretion is advised.   She maintains that the disaster is much greater than the main stream media is telling us.   The waters and the lands of our  are being polluted.

Fukushima: why is vital technology arriving so late?

Where is the help for Fukushima?

We dream of things that never were and say: "Why not?"

Obviously it was a good thing to see a roaring Antonov N-124 cargo plane from Russia flying into Atlanta airport this week, picking up a specially designed 86180 kg concrete pump, retrofitted and mounted on a 26-wheel truck to pour water on the crippled Japanese nuclear power plant.This Putzmeister made pump in Wisconsin is able to shoot water into hard-to-reach areas like the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant,  and  as it happened in 1986 when two of such pumps have been used to pour concrete over the most “risk parts” of the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine.

Free Person Wearing Gas Mask Sitting behind Metal Fence Stock Photo

Japanese authorities from the beginning have been facing  the problem to cool the plant’s  reactors after the recent earthquake and tsunami, fully crippling out the backup cooling equipment.

Needless to say that this technology will offer real help. This equipment is both able to pump and spray enough water to cool down an overheated reactor…

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General Electric (GE) apparently quite ignorant about Fukushima nuclear disaster


questionGE Designed the Faulty Fukushima Nuclear Reactors… And Their Official Response May Surprise You http://themindunleashed.org/2013/12/ge-designed-faulty-fukushima-nuclear-reactors-official-response-may-surprise.html  THE MIND UNLEASHED on 11 December, 2013 By: Ethan Indigo Smith, Guest Contributor, General Electric were the designers of the flawed reactors that blew up in Fukushima Japan.

I called General Electric Corporate headquarters in Fairfield, Connecticut today to find out what they had to say. The phone number there is 203 373 2211. I initially spoke with Linda who, to my absolute astonishment, knew nothing of Fukushima. ……..the reaction speaks volumes to me……..

……….It was obvious I was the first reporter/living, breathing human being to call there and inquire about this mess; their representatives were completely clueless……… And they apparently have nothing to say about it.

Please assist me in inquiring of GE what they think about the ongoing disaster in Japan. As the designer of the faulty nuclear reactor, their silence about its ongoing effects…

View original post 40 more words

Strontium readings spike 6,500-fold after typhoon at Fukushima

Strontium readings spike 6,500-fold in one day: Water radiation soars at Fukushima No. 1 — The Japan Times.

Immediately after the typhoon the reports said that there was no damage.   Now,, radioactive strontium is being found in the ditches near leaky tanks.  The article says heavy rains from the typhoon washed water into the ditch.   This was  not the classic wind related damage, but rather the storm water raising the  water levels in an area already saturated, from the ground flow and the  water being  added to keep the reactor cool, with its core sinking into the earth.

UN update, Fukushima, June 18, 2013

The United Nations has recently released a series of reports about Fukushima.  In one report the UN challenged TEPCO and Japan to do more about the disaster.

A United Nations expert who investigated the aftermath of Japan’s 2011 nuclear power plant disaster says the government and the operator of the facility should do more to help those affected by the catastrophe.

A report by special rapporteur Anand Grover, posted on the U.N. Human Rights Council’s website, says the government’s takeover of Tokyo Electric Power Co. allowed the utility to evade full responsibility for the nuclear disaster, the worst since Chernobyl…

Originally, seeking compensation involved a 60-page application form with 2,215 sections, the report said. Although the process has since been streamlined, the report said the government should address concerns over “TEPCO’s attempts to reduce compensation levels and delay settlement.”

The report also expresses concern over nuclear power plant workers, saying that many of them are “poor and some even homeless.” Despite a legal requirement to provide them with compulsory checkups, many hired through subcontractors lack proper or effective monitoring of their health.

In a second report The UN stated that:

VIENNA, 31 May 2013 (UN Information Service) – “Radiation exposure following the nuclear accident at Fukushima-Daiichi did not cause any immediate health effects. It is unlikely to be able to attribute any health effects in the future among the general public and the vast majority of workers,” concluded the 60 th session of the Vienna-based United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effect of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR).

These reports seem to be mixed messages.   On the one hand, not enough has been done, and on the other hand there does not seem to be much of a problem.  Meanwhile, the workers that can are leaving.